Eid-ul-Fitr Salat (Namaz in Urdu/Persian) is a Wajib (strongly recommended, just short of obligatory) or mandoob (preferable) - depending on which juristic opinion is followed - Islamic prayer consisting of two raka'ah (units)[1] which is generally offered in an open field or large hall called an Eed-gah. This salaat or prayer, should be performed with Jama’at (i.e., in congregation) with extra six Takbirs (raising of the hands to the ears while saying Allahu Akbar (God is Great), three of them in the beginning of the first raka'ah and three of them just before ruku' in the second raka'ah.[2] Eid ul-Fitr is sometimes also known as the "Smaller Eid" (Arabic: العيد الصغير al-‘īdu ṣ-ṣaghīr) as compared to the Eid al-Adha, which lasts four days following the Hajj and is casually referred to as the "Greater Eid" (Arabic: العيد الكبير al-‘īdu l-kabīr).
Muslims are commanded by God in the Qur'an to complete their fast on the last day of Ramadan and then recite God's praises all throughout the period of Eid.[3]

Ghorayeba......na3maaaa..."soft and nutty flavored"...made with just three ingredients....Guess what???
The process of sifting powder sugar over my kahk.
Chocolate chips cookies.
Sablee..I was quiet exhausted so I shaped it this time using spritz cookies gadget ;))
We use to fill it with lokoms or turkish delights and walnuts but when i came to Alexandria i found that they fill it with dates i just made some changes i add cardamom, cinamon and few drops of orange blossom water.
I've never heard about this kind of biscuits or ccookies anywhere except Egypt...."Nashader biscuits" I won't translate nashader in English...It is our little secret ;))
Ok I should tell you nashader means ammonium bicarbonate powder it changes to gas by heating during baking and it gives a special lovely flavor to this kind of biscuits.
My favorite in Eid....I do not feel like Eid without it. A yeasted dough called buns or "oras" a very special and unique buns.
Maamool .
Shakalama.."What a name"!! it has a little bit the similar taste of the bounty bar filling, but more delicious indeed.
We call it in egypt "petits fours" I know that is not the right name...but that was the name our ancestors were used to call it.
Biscuits aux sesames et la confiture de framboises
My favorite in Eid mornings with a good piece of damietta white cheese...can not wait ;))
Chahira Daoud
Happy Eid to you and your family...your ka3ek looks great as usual! Enjoy!
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