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Saturday, 22 November 2008

Is it cold over there????

It becomes now colder, do you know what I really want to eat now????????
Did you guess it??
A big piece of cinnamon role served with a very hot chocolate cup!!!
I am greedy, too greedy,,, no way , I can not do my favorite one now , it is toooo late , All I can do now is to have a very hot cup of skimmed milk and sleep , and enjoy?? enjoy what?? enjoy dreaming!!!Hahahahaha!!! Dreaming of one piece from this.....

Share with me the dream , and tomorrow I'll share with you my very horrible recipe!!!!


  1. wow this looks wonderful!! i love the cool designs of the cinnamon buns.

    i wonder what your horrible recipe could be??!??!

  2. hello. i love cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. I like you´re blog very much, so full of energy!

  3. I think yours is the most 'delicious' blog I have ever visited! Just stopping by to say hi from Malaysia.


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